Deliver value not a workflow

Recently while I was studying for my Agile certificate, I stumbled upon this important principle of the Agile Manifesto.

Principle 1: Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early & continuous delivery of valuable software.

As a project manager, this rings many bells. In our today’s world we are over-engineering almost everything. We create extremely huge and solid frameworks that we need to follow for every project. We reach the point where, those frameworks become an overkill.

We consume a lot of our valuable time, filling in templates, which  nobody will read again after their sign-offs. We create documents for the sake of creating them; not for the value they add to the end goal.

We need to change that; we need to step back for a moment and revisit our frameworks. This is a call for everyone, not just PMs: “Step back and revisit your workflows”.

I have seen many IT professionals who use tools because they want to, not for the value that they add to them. Others create workflows that are used only once during the time they were built and cease to add value afterwards.

Don’t overkill and complicate your life, be simple. Create value, not workflows.